Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Tongue

When we are talking about someone and that someone has hurt us, is it OK to say anything that we like to say as long as our statements are true?

When we are talking about someone, and that someone has hurt us, is it OK to say anything that we like to say as long as our statements are true, and we have faced the person with these truths?

If it is condidered to be OK for Christians to say anything that they like to say about a person who has hurt them as long as what they are saying is true, and they have faced the person with these truths, what does the Christian who has been hurt do when the offending party asks for forgiveness? The Christian can grant forgiveness, but how will the offending person be restored if the whole community knows all about the truths that the offended party has been spreading? And if those truths have been expanded time and time again as the story is told over and over, who, if anyone, is responsible for cleaning up the mess?


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